Embodied Leadership & Facilitation

Offers for Leaders

“Leaders are all those who care about things and are willing to
to do something about it.” – M. Wheatley



– Creating awareness of old patterns when triggered and what to do instead.

– Techniques to stay grounded when things get bumpy.
– Learning to put into words when physical reactions reveal that something is not right.
– A practice on how to stay present in times of crisis.
– Raising awareness and developing various forms of networks to strengthen resources and support a vision of Embodied Social Transformation.
All of our narratives contain trauma and therefore potential for growth and healing. When we pool our resources, the result is an enhanced capacity for profound transformation.

“In the past, we may have thought of ourselves as skilled designers of organizations, putting the pieces together, drawing the boxes, and expending energy to carefully create all the necessary connections, motivations, and structures. Now we need to think of ourselves as beacons of information, standing in the integrity of our words and sending congruent messages everywhere. We need ALL of us out there to explain, clarify, reflect, model, and fill all the space with the messages that matter to us. When we do, a powerful field develops – and with it, the miraculous ability to organize into a coherent, capable form.”
– by Margaret Wheatley from “Leadership & the New Science” p. 57, 2006

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